In the Sleep tab you can analyze your nightly sleep and view your sleep history.
The Sleep tab shows your sleep data on a weekly basis and is divided in 2 parts: a summary of your weekly sleep duration followed by details on each night’s sleep.
You can expand the Summary card to analyze your entire sleep duration history, both on total level and broken down by sleep stages. You can also see the weekly and monthly sleep duration averages.
You can also expand the nightly sleep cards by clicking on them. This will show further details on that night’s sleep. You can see things like a your sleep stages during the sleep and sleep heart rate *). You can also see a summary breakdown of your sleep stages during the sleep.
Use the arrows to navigate back and forward on a weekly basis. If you would like to quickly switch to a specific week you can tab the middle button. This will popup a window to change to another date.
This show a summary of the sleep duration for a particular week. You can tap on a bar to see the exact sleep duration for that date.
If you have set a sleep goal it will show a dashed line to indicate this. If you fulfilled the sleep goal there will be check mark on that particular night.
Pressing the [] button will open a new window where you can browse your entire sleep history (see point 6-10 below).
This will show an overview of each sleep session you have logged.
It will show bedtime and wake up time, time asleep (excluding awake times during sleep) as well as an overview of the sleep stages during the sleep.
Clicking on a card will open up the Sleep details window with more details on the sleep session (see point 12-17 below)
Click the floating action button to add or modify your sleep duration goal.
Here you can browse your entire sleep history. You open this page by clicking the [] button on the Weekly Summary card in the Sleep tab.
Use the arrows to navigate back and forward in time. If you would like to quickly switch to a specific week you can tab the middle button. This will popup a window to change to another date.
This chart shows the sleep duration for the selected resolution (daily/weekly/monthly) and time span.
Select to either see the total sleep duration (minus awake times) or broken down by sleep stages.
Choose between a daily, weekly or monthly breakdown of your sleep. Weekly and monthly breakdown will show your average sleep duration for that week/month.
Here you can select the time span to show. What time spans to select will change depending on if you show daily, weekly or monthly data.
Here you can see details about a particular sleep session. You open this page by clicking the on one of the sleep details cards in the Sleep tab.
This shows your bedtime and your wake up time.
This shows a breakdown of your sleep stages during the sleep as well as your heart rate *). You can zoom in on the chart to see more details.
This will show/hide the sleep stages charts or the heart rate charts.
This shows your average heart rate during your sleep *).
This shows your total sleep duration (minus awake times)
This shows a summary of each sleep stage during your sleep.
*) Sleep stages and sleep heart rate need to be supported by your sleep tracker.
In the Settings tab you can find a setting for the sleep offset time. The sleep offset time is from what time in the previous day the sleep should count towards the next day for sleep duration goals or when viewing sleep duration in the History tab.
Nigthly sleep sessions usually spans over 2 dates. Sleep duration goals will only count time from the actual date if this offset is not applied. The default time is 8pm.