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In the settings tab you can change some of the behaviour of the app.

  1. Theme
    Here you can select what theme you want. Choose between:
    • Light theme
    • Dark theme
    • System default
  2. Units
    Here you can select to base the units on a metric system (meters/kg) or imperial (miles/pounds)
  3. Week starts with
    Choose which day a week starts with (Sunday or Monday)
  4. Minimum move minutes per active hour
    Select how many move minutes during one full hour that needs to be achieved to fulfill the active hour goal
    Note that it's enough with that this or the steps goal are achieved to fulfill the active hour goal
  5. Minimum steps per active hour
    Select how many steps during one full hour that needs to be achieved to fulfill the active hour goal
    Note that it's enough with that this or the move minutes goal are achieved to fulfill the active hour goal
  6. Active hours time
    Choose the time period for which active hours are monitored. This will also affect when the move reminders are sent (if activated).
  7. Move reminders (WearOS only)
    Choose to receive a reminder at 10 to every hour if the active hour goals have not been fulfilled at that time.
    To use this you need to activate the Fit Companion move reminder complication on the watchface. How this is done depends on the watchface that you are using.
  8. Move goal achieved notification (WearOS only)
    Choose to receive a notification at the full hour if you managed to fulfill the active hour goal the previous hour.
    To use this you need to activate the Fit Companion move reminder complication on the watchface. How this is done depends on the watchface that you are using.
  9. Days for reminder
    Choose which days to receive the move reminder and/or the move goal achieved notification
  10. Sleep
    Here you can choose from what time in the previous day the sleep should count towards the next day for sleep duration goals or when viewing sleep duration in the History tab.
    Nigthly sleep sessions usually spans over 2 dates. Sleep duration goals will only count time from the actual date if this offset is not applied. The default time is 8pm.
  11. App status
    Here you can see if you have the free or premium version of the app. It will also tell you if you have a WearOS watch connected and help install the app on that watch if it's not already installed
  12. Data source for frequency goals

    When you manually start an activity in Google Fit, or if you enter the activity afterwards, Google Fit creates what is called a Session. This session is visible in the Journal section of the Google Fit app. Also, if a third party app stores the activity it is usually stores as a Session as well.

    When counting activities for a frequency goal the default is to count the number of sessions of that activity. This will normally work for all activities.

    However, for walking and running activities Google might also auto-detect such activities. If the activity is long enough, or if there many activities of the same type close to each other in time, it will show up as an entry in the Journal section.

    These auto-detected activities are not stored as Sessions (even though they are visible in the Journal section in the Google Fit app). Because of this they will not be counted towards the frequency goal.

    If you want to count also auto-detected walking or running activties towards a frequency goal you can try to change the data source to Segments instead. This will count the number of uninterrupted periods of activities instead of counting Sessions.

    As mentioned above, to be visible in the Google Fit app the segment has to be long enough. Also, if there are multiple segments close in time they might show up as one entry in the Google Fit app

    Google has not published what algorithm it uses for an auto-detected walking or running activity to be visible in the Journal section in the Google Fit app. Fit Companion will try its best to mimic the behaviour of the Google Fit app, but you can try tweaking the below 2 parameters if you see that the frequency count of auto-detected walking or running activities are not the same as in the Google Fit app.

  13. Minimum segment time for frequency goal
    This is only valid if you have set the data source for frequency goals to Segment. It is the minimum amount of time a segment of an activity has to be to be counted towards the frequency goal
  14. Maximum time gap for adjacent segments for frequency goal
    This is only valid if you have set the data source for frequency goals to Segment. It is the maximum amount of time between 2 segments of the same type to be counted as the same activity.